Colorado Outdoor Therapy
Colorado Outdoor Therapy
Available in Colorado Springs
There are no rules that say therapy, and personal growth, has to start in an office. We believe being outdoors can create a great environment for insight, healing, and initiating change. With Outdoor (sometimes referred to as “Walk-&-Talk”) Therapy, not only will you get the therapeutic support to navigate your struggles but you will also get the added health benefits of gentle movement and nature.
We meet clients at a semi-public area for Outdoor Therapy sessions. If walking is not your preference, that is ok! We can still meet outdoors for therapy sessions. These appointments are weather-permitting and at times may need to transition to a teletherapy visit.
You can learn more from our blog post: Walk-&-Talk Therapy: FAQ
Please note: Outdoor Therapy is not an exercise program. While we will assess medical limitations to participating, we are not responsible for accidents or injuries that may occur.
Have more questions or interested in getting started? Contact forus Outdoor Therapy options.