anxiety therapy colorado springs

Top-Rated Anxiety Therapist Colorado Springs

Anxiety is a word that I find to be often misused and misunderstood. It is not simply feeling nervous or being worried about something specific. Nervousness or worry about specific things in life can be really normal. If you are a parent, it is normal to be nervous when you child starts preschool or when your teenager goes on their first date. That is a normal reaction to a specific situation regarding someone you love and care about.
Anxiety is different. It is a consistent mental and physiological reaction, triggered by a known or unknown fear. Anxiety impacts day to day life. It keeps you constantly thinking about the future instead of being in the present moment. It has you worrying about things that likely won't ever happen, doom scrolling social media, and generally feeling stuck.

The good things about anxiety (if there is one) is that it is highly treatable. With the right support, understanding, and skills, you can feel better. If you are looking for anxiety treatment Colorado Springs, or anywhere in Colorado, we can help. Read on to learn more about counseling strategies and treatment options and decide if anxiety therapy in Colorado is right for you.

Understanding Anxiety

As I mentioned previously, anxiety and worry are not the same. While they may feel similar in the moment, what differentiates them is often specific to intensity, duration, impact on daily life, control, and physical symptoms. Anxiety can impact relationships, self-esteem, and a person's ability to lead a fulfilling life.

There are various types of anxiety and each can fall on a continuum. Here is a brief overview.

    • Excessive worry about various aspects of daily life, such as work, health, or social interactions

    • Difficulty controlling worry

    • Restlessness or feeling on edge

    • Fatigue

    • Difficulty concentrating

    • Irritability

    • Muscle tension

    • Sleep disturbances (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless and unsatisfying sleep)

    • Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks (sudden periods of intense fear or discomfort)

    • Symptoms of panic attacks include palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feelings of choking, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, chills or hot flashes, numbness or tingling, feelings of unreality or detachment, fear of losing control, and fear of dying

    • Persistent concern or worry about having more panic attacks

    • Behavioral changes to avoid situations that might trigger an attack

    • Intense fear of social or performance situations where one might be judged or scrutinized by others

    • Fear of embarrassment or humiliation

    • Avoidance of social situations or enduring them with intense distress

    • Physical symptoms include blushing, sweating, trembling, nausea, and difficulty speaking

    • Interference with daily activities and relationships

    • Intense fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation (e.g., heights, flying, animals, injections)

    • The fear is out of proportion to the actual danger

    • Avoidance of the phobic object or situation, or enduring it with intense distress

    • The phobia causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

    • Presence of obsessions (recurrent, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts, urges, or images) and/or compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed to reduce anxiety or prevent a feared event)

    • Common obsessions include fear of contamination, fear of harming oneself or others, and intrusive thoughts related to symmetry or order

    • Common compulsions include excessive cleaning, checking, counting, and arranging objects

    • Significant distress or impairment in daily life due to obsessions and compulsions

    • Excessive fear or anxiety about separation from attachment figures (e.g., parents, caregivers)

    • Worry about losing the attachment figures or about possible harm to them

    • Reluctance or refusal to go out, be alone, or sleep away from home due to fear of separation

    • Nightmares about separation

    • Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or vomiting when separation is anticipated or occurs

    • Intense fear or anxiety about being in situations where escape might be difficult or help might not be available in the event of panic-like symptoms

    • Situations often feared include using public transportation, being in open spaces, being in enclosed places, standing in line or being in a crowd, and being outside of the home alone

    • Avoidance of these situations, or enduring them with significant distress

    • The fear or avoidance causes significant distress or impairment in daily life

    • Exposure to a traumatic event involving actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence

    • Intrusive symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe distress when reminded of the trauma

    • Avoidance of reminders of the trauma

    • Negative changes in thoughts and mood, such as memory problems, negative beliefs about oneself or others, and feelings of detachment

    • Changes in physical and emotional reactions, such as being easily startled, feeling tense, having difficulty sleeping, and experiencing irritability or angry outbursts

If you can relate to any of these anxiety symptoms and are looking for relief, counseling can help. Colorado Springs anxiety treatment is available.

At Exploration Counseling, we work with patients dealing with a variety of anxiety symptoms and other mental health concerns.

We provide anxiety counseling via talk therapy, mild exposure therapy, and breathing exercises, focusing on overall well-being vs just symptom reduction. We help our clients understand what is happening in their bodies as well as in their minds. We recognize that each person is different, but also have a specialty-style understanding of anxiety therapy and how to treat each condition.

We can help you explore your goals of counseling and support you in developing the skills you need to live the life you want to live.

How we can help 

Why choose us for anxiety therapy?

There are several options for anxiety treatment, including therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, or a combination. Therapy in Colorado Springs is available, and finding the right fit for you is important. At Exploration Counseling, we work to make treatment individualized, accessible and focused. To do this, we provide:

Simple, online scheduling

Insurance billing with various insurance providers

Highly trained and qualified therapists

A treatment plan that fits your goals and everyday life

If you are interested in starting anxiety therapy Colorado Springs, you can learn more about our practice and our clinicians here.

Meet our Colorado Springs anxiety therapists

therapy for anxiety colorado springs

1. Melanie McQuiston, LPC

Melanie is a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate in the state of Colorado. She takes a direct and solution-focused approach to helping you move in the direction you want to go. Melanie has a knack for supporting people through difficult life changes and transitions in a way that is both effective and empowering.

  • Credentials: LPCC

  • License Number: LPCC.0019310

  • Melanie holds a Master's Degree (MS) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Oakland University.

  • Melanie offers online therapy to clients throughout Colorado.

  • Melanie utilizes ACT, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and solution-focused therapy in her work.

colorado springs anxiety therapist

2. Paige Lloyd, LPC, PMH-C

Paige is a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate and Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate in Colorado and California. Paige is also a certified perinatal mental health counselor (PMH-C). She is here to help you in the evolution of becoming the person you want to be. She loves working with new moms and couples as they discover their new world and work to balance the demands of everyday life.

  • Credentials: LPCC, MFTC, (PMH-C completion Summer 2024)

  • Colorado License Number: LPCC.0018129, MFTC.0014116

  • Paige holds a Master's Degree (MS) in Counseling Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA.

  • Paige offers online therapy to clients throughout Colorado.

  • Paige utilizes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness techniques in her work.

anxiety therapist colorado springs

3. Shaye Meissen, LPC, PMH-C

Shaye is the owner of Exploration Counseling and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado and Missouri. She is a clinical supervisor, and a certified perinatal mental health therapist (PMH-C). She has been working with individuals and families for over 10 years to navigate life's struggles and live more fully. Shaye believes that healthy relationships are the foundation of a beautiful life and she is committed to helping you become the person, partner, and parent you want to be.

  • Credentials: LPC, PMH-C (Shaye is licensed in both Colorado and Missouri)

  • Colorado License Number: LPC.0012830

  • Shaye holds a master's degree (MS) in Clinical Psychology from Missouri State University.

  • Shaye offers both online therapy and in-person therapy in Woodland Park, Colorado.

  • Shaye utilizes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), outdoor therapy, and mindfulness skills in her work.

FAQs about anxiety therapy

  • If you are considering a Colorado Springs anxiety therapist then you likely already feel like something is off in your mood, your body, and your life. Anxiety therapy can help you understand what is happening and develop skills be able to live the life you want to live. We can't promise that all of your symptoms will go away, but we do promise that anxiety symptoms don't have to run your life.

  • Choosing a therapist can feel difficult, but we are hopeful that the process is not a deterrent to getting the treatment you will be thankful for. As I mentioned, anxiety is common and treatable. You can feel better.

    When choosing a therapist, it is important that you both align in YOUR goals for treatment and how to get there. A therapist's credentials are important, but the relationship you have with them and your comfort with them is more important when it comes to success in therapy.

    Ask questions. Get feedback. Never hesitate to meet with someone else if you feel that it's not a good fit.

  • There are different forms of treatment for anxiety, including talk therapy, exposure therapy, narrative therapy, yoga, medication, breath work, and others. All can be beneficial, and the right form of treatment is often the one that feels sustainable for you.

    Please note, if you are interested in exposure therapy, please find a clinician who is trained and experienced in this area. Exposure therapy, when done correctly, can be highly effective. However, if done incorrectly, it can cause more harm.

Restore balance with our modern approach to anxiety therapy.

At Exploration Counseling, we are here to help you learn that anxiety doesn't have to shrink your life. With support, skills, and effort you can expand and become the person, partner, and parent you want to be.